Hours Calculator

Hours Calculator is tool used to calculate the duration or time difference between two timestamps or to perform operations involving hours, such as adding, subtracting, and converting hours to other time units.

Hours Calculator

Hours Minutes Meridiem
Calculator Result
Time between: and

Hours Calculation

Calculating Time Duration: To calculate the duration between two timestamps (e.g., start time and end time), you subtract the earlier time from the later time. The result is often expressed in hours, minutes, or seconds.

Example: Duration = End Time - Start Time

Adding or Subtracting Time: To add or subtract time from a given timestamp, you add or subtract the desired number of hours, minutes, or seconds from the original time.

Example: New Time = Original Time + HoursToAdd

Converting Hours to Other Time Units: To convert hours into minutes or seconds, you use the following formulas:

Minutes = Hours * 60
Seconds = Hours * 3600

Calculating Total Work Hours: To calculate total work hours from a set of start and end times, you subtract the end time from the start time for each shift and sum the results.

Example: Total Work Hours = Σ(End Time - Start Time)
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